Thursday 31 May 2018

How To Take Your Makeup Off The Natural Way Before Bed

Not only will natural makeup removers save you from burning a hole in your pocket, they will also give you the much-needed reassurance that you’re applying something safe upon your precious face! By utilizing any of the all-natural methods listed below, you will attain skin that looks and feels a lot more fresh. Oh, and in the morning? Say hello to glowing skin – your own little thank you present from your body for treating it well!

So, let’s not waste any more time and take a look at the best all-natural ways of removing your makeup before you hit the sack:

1. Avocado



Now, we know the last thing you want is to skip your morning avocado toasts and smear this precious green fruit upon your face instead, but trust us – it’s totally worth it! Besides, a little goes a long way in a natural avocado makeup remover. Simply scoop out some fresh avocado and mash it, then proceed to take a trusty Q-tip and dab upon the needed regions of your face.

If you’re not a fan of mashing up fresh fruit at night, you could always switch to avocado oil. Blessed with the goodness of vitamins A, E, and D and essential fatty acids, you will receive a whole other level of moisturizing TLC!

2. Raw Milk

Raw Milk


Raw milk is nature’s very own elixir! Its fat content makes it extremely gentle and hydrating on your skin; meanwhile, its lactic acid content exfoliates dead skin cells and extracts toxins from within your pores.

Now, if you possess oily skin, experts recommend switching to skimmed milk instead. Whole milk is more suitable for those with dry skin. All you require to do is use a cotton wool to dab raw milk upon your face before you head to bed, cleansing your skin of all the impurities. Once you’re done, wash your face with cold water and you’re good to go!

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera


What can we say, this plant is like nature’s very gift to skin! Aloe vera gel happens to possess a whopping 18 amino acids and close to 200 phytonutrients. Now, as you could probably guess already, this makes it a veritable health bomb for any complexion. But if you happen to possess sensitive skin, then aloe vera should be even more up your alley as an alternative to chemically-packed, artificial makeup removers.

The easiest and most effective method of using aloe vera as a makeup remover is to refrigerate its gel in the morning. At night, massage the cool gel upon your face and then proceed to clean it with a cotton wool. Aloe vera’s richness of vitamins E and C will fight the ill-effects of pollution and hydrate and tighten your skin overnight!

4. Olive Oil And Witch Hazel

Olive Oil And Witch Hazel


Traditionally, witch hazel is stocked up in medicine cabinets for dealing with those pesky scrapes and cuts we all inevitably acquire. And olive oil is a cooking staple in any pantry. However, when you combine these two, let’s just say, magic occurs! They form a perfect impurity-cleansing, all-natural formula for your skin.

Olive oil’s astringent properties are ideal for removing foundation and powder. And by combining the two, you can also safeguard yourself from acne and get some intensely hydrated skin.

5. Vitamin E And Jojoba Oil

Vitamin E And Jojoba Oil


Pronounced as “ho-ho-ba,” when combined with another vitamin E-rich oil (think almond or coconut oil), jojoba oil becomes an almost miraculous addition to your nighttime skincare regime. However, you need to be a little cautious while using this oil as it has the potential to stain your clothes.

All you require to do, in order to use the jojoba oil mixture, is apply 3-4 drops of the oils on a clean cotton ball. Using the soaked cotton, gently wipe away your eyeshadow, eyeliner, and also foundation. Mascara and lips will require a little more pressure. When you’re done, allow the oil to nourish your face as it air dries.

6. Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil


Who doesn’t love coconut oil! This amazingly versatile oil is a kitchen and beauty regime staple. And how can it not be, when it’s packed with a multitude of benefits! But when it comes to skin, it’s coconut oil’s special ability to break down the waterproof constituents of makeup that truly makes it a winner.

Packed with essential fatty acids, coconut oil is ideal for those who possess dry skin. In order to use this all-natural makeup remover, simply apply the oil upon a makeup pad (be careful, don’t make it too greasy) and then proceed to gently massage those regions of your face that need makeup-removing. Keep going till your face is makeup-free, then wash your face with cool water, and voilá! You’re sorted!

Now that you’ve learned of nature’s precious gifts for skin care, don’t abuse your face anymore. Use the above-mentioned natural makeup removers and you will have glowing, smooth complexion to die for!

The post How To Take Your Makeup Off The Natural Way Before Bed appeared first on STYLECRAZE.


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